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Gerald Sharp

60 Years and just beginning

Thought it time, to make  a best of album

But I believe the best is yet to come!

With new songs, my favourites may change. So also this album will be subject to change. Have suggestions? Use comments below. 


Then those who sing as well as those who play the flutes shall say, "All my springs of joy are in you." Psalm 87:7

So, I thank my creator, who is the giver of every good gift. I bless you my father. Thank you so much for all the songs and music.


There are very few songs above that I have not had help on. Over the years, certain people have assisted me a great deal and their large contribution deserves special thanks.

My parent's and mother especially, who believed in me and supported me financially with instruments and recording equipment.

My brother, John, who paid for studio time, and Kevin Shirley's production of the first Raven Rain album. (Raven Rain and Bergen above.)

Tony Drake (keyboard arrangements)  Raven Rain and Bergen,  Moving On, One for the saviour and one for the road. 


Kevin "Caveman" Shirley, (Producer / Engineer) for his work on Raven Rain and Bergen in 1985 / 1986

Nick Coetzee for his keyboard arrangements and production on God is love, As the rain, Out into the sunlight and He knows your trials. Thank you so much.

Clive Harding of Genesis Sound Studio, free time : God is love and As the rain.

Tim Kraft, for helping me Re-do the vocal and re-mix the song "Raven Rain" , extremely close to the original mix by Kevin Shirley, who engineered  and produced it in the first place. Thank you so much.

Carol Foster for her vocal on Song of Songs Track 14 above and Tim Kraft for the production and improvements made to elements of the "Song os Songs" album, including finding Carol and other singers. Thank you so much.

Ina Crowther for her work on Cafe Latte and other songs not reflected above.


Backing vocals on Raven Rain. Meinie Grove (singing and arranging),  Andre' De Viliers, Tam Minter, Tracey Lee Dogan. 

Electric lead and rythumn guitars on Raven Rain, Jethro Butho.

Drums on Raven Rain and Bergen, (courtesy Elemental) -  Herman Eugster.


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