Gerald Sharp
As The Waves Love The Sea
About the Album
As The Waves Love The Sea was written while I was still married to my first wife. It was a relatively happy period, where we lived in the country in a place called Cairn, near Nelspruit, in the Eastern Transvaal (now Mpumalanga). Our small holding was from a nuture point of view very exotic and we all loved it. My children were happy and I was involved in travelling ministry. This was the same place that most of Song of Song's was written and recorded, this album being recorded soon after our return from 6 months in the UK with the Song of Song project. Being far from those who I could call on for help to play on songs, (usually Tony Drake) I was forced to try to do all myself and with new equipment I created a little studio and tried my hand and producing all myself.
Songs © Gerald Sharp
All rights reserved
I upgraded the album cover for this old collection of songs, from their free to use images, so sorry guys, this is a fake cover. Thanks Wix. I love your builder and the ability to improve the look and feel of what I do with your add on pics.